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How to remove a node from HA pacemaker cluster

This document (000019683) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 SP1
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 12 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 11 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4


How to quickly clean up or remove a node from a current cluster.   


There are some bootstrap scripts which make this pretty simple to initialize, join, and remove a node from the cluster. 

SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 11 SP4:
RPM: sleha-bootstrap includes scripts:

Reference:  man sleha-remove
   Syntax:   sleha-remove <options> -c <ip address or hostname>   
   Logfile:  /var/log/sleha-bootstrap.log

SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 12 and 15
RPM: ha-cluster-bootstrap includes scripts:
Reference:  man ha-cluster-remove
   Syntax:  ha-cluster-remove <options> <ip address or hostname>
Normally this is run from a different node in the cluster.  
However, If you need to remove the current node's cluster configuration, you can run from the current node using <ip address or hostname of current node> with the "-F" option to force remove the current node.
     # ha-cluster-remove -F <ip address or hostname>
   Logfile:  /var/log/ha-cluster-bootstrap.log

In addition to remove the node clearly from cluster, the following files are deleted from the node:
       /etc/csync2/csync2.cfg /etc/csync2/key_hagroup
              csync2 configuration files.
              corosync configuration file.
              SBD fencing configuration.
This logic has also been added to the crm shell and can be run using the following commands.
   # crm cluster init
   # crm cluster join 
   # crm cluster remove


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  • Document ID:000019683
  • Creation Date: 13-Aug-2020
  • Modified Date:14-Aug-2020
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension

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