Dashboard, Object Gateway, RGW REST API cannot be reached.
This document (000019794) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
To enable the auto-detection you need to make sure that the RGW_API_PORT is 80, RGW_API_HOST must be an empty string and RGW_API_SCHEME must be 'http'. If you modify one of them, then the auto-detection is disabled and the default values or any configured values are used.
In this case this should be "rgw01" with the address ""
The auto-detection uses the first found entry of the output from 'ceph report' which is located at 'servicemap.services.rgw.daemons'.
# ceph report | jq '.servicemap'
report 1324590349
"epoch": 23,
"modified": "2020-11-23 15:19:25.392596",
"services": {
"mds": {
"daemons": {
"summary": "",
"rgw01": {
"start_epoch": 0,
"start_stamp": "0.000000",
"gid": 0,
"addr": ":/0",
"metadata": {},
"task_status": {
"scrub status": "idle"
"rgw": {
"daemons": {
"summary": "",
"rgw01": {
"start_epoch": 18,
"start_stamp": "2020-11-23 09:42:09.721718",
"gid": 1924449,
"addr": "",
"metadata": {
"arch": "x86_64",
"ceph_release": "nautilus",
"ceph_version": "ceph version 14.2.13-450-g65ea1b614d (65ea1b614db8b6d10f334a8ff67c4de97f73bcbf) nautilus (stable)",
"ceph_version_short": "14.2.13-450-g65ea1b614d",
"cpu": "Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge, IBRS update)",
"distro": "sles",
"distro_description": "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1",
"distro_version": "15.1",
"frontend_config#0": "beast port=80",
"frontend_type#0": "beast",
"hostname": "rgw01",
"kernel_description": "#1 SMP Fri Sep 4 14:58:39 UTC 2020 (f8eb45a)",
"kernel_version": "4.12.14-197.56-default",
"mem_swap_kb": "1048572",
"mem_total_kb": "1855368",
"num_handles": "1",
"os": "Linux",
"pid": "328172",
"zone_id": "b510603a-182e-4b9c-aaea-554a9fcf8d69",
"zone_name": "default",
"zonegroup_id": "f25b88ac-790b-4921-be78-4a7b261e5ec6",
"zonegroup_name": "default"
"task_status": {}
---[cut here]---
Using this address (auto-detected or manually configured) you should be able to connect the Dashboard with the RGW.
Configre SES Dashboard for auto detection method:
Record current values:
# ceph dashboard get-rgw-api-port
# ceph dashboard get-rgw-api-host
# ceph dashboard get-rgw-api-scheme
Now change the following parameters, if nessesary:
# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-port 80
# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-host ""
# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-scheme http
Validate configuraiton changed:
# ceph dashboard get-rgw-api-port
# ceph dashboard get-rgw-api-host
# ceph dashboard get-rgw-api-scheme
May need to disable/enable SES dashboard:
# ceph mgr module disable dashboard
# ceph mgr module enable dashboard
In a browser, new tab, goto the SES dashboard/Object Gateway.
See if messages is no longer displayed.
This Support Knowledgebase provides a valuable tool for SUSE customers and parties interested in our products and solutions to acquire information, ideas and learn from one another. Materials are provided for informational, personal or non-commercial use within your organization and are presented "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
- Document ID:000019794
- Creation Date: 25-Nov-2020
- Modified Date:25-Nov-2020
- SUSE Enterprise Storage
For questions or concerns with the SUSE Knowledgebase please contact: tidfeedback[at]suse.com