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pacemaker-controld: notice: High CPU load detected: 180.869995

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15


Cluster resources frequently timeout on monitor operations accompanied with pacemaker warnings about high system load:
22-11-08T02:53:41 <host01> pacemaker-controld: notice: High CPU load detected: 180.869995 


The "High CPU load detected" pacemaker warning actually reports the system load (from /proc/loadavg), not the CPU usage. Any load value above the number of cores indicates that the processes are spending more time on the run queue waiting for IO resources, which indicates an IO bottleneck (network or disk IO).

High load situations are quite problematic as the services or the tasks which are waiting on IO to complete, do not respond in time to the cluster monitor operations. For that reason pacemaker is monitoring the system load continuously, in order to adapt to those situation by throttling the number of actions forked at the same time, in order to avoid overloading the system and avoiding increasing further the load. The approach that it follows is by lowering the "node-action-limit" parameter, which specifies the maximum number of actions that can be scheduled concurrently per node, which is by default 2xCPU cores. The system is considered under high load if the load average falls under the following formula:

 ${load-average} > 2 * ${number-of-cores} * ${load-threshold}

In a high load situation pacemaker-controld allows only one action at a time. The cluster can adapt and operate correctly even on very high load. However the problem could be the services that are managed by the cluster (especially those that are very IO dependent) might not respond in time, which would force the cluster to recover the resource by restarting it in the same node or moving to the other node.

During the investigation of an IO bottleneck (NFS, network, disk IO, etc.) cause, in order to avoid any unwanted failover or service restart, the "on-fail=ignore" option for the monitor operation can be applied temporarily on the frequent failing resources. For example:

Setting on-fail=ignore on a HANA resource:
primitive rsc_SAPHana_RDI_HDB14 ocf:suse:SAPHana \
        op start interval=0 timeout=3600 \
        op stop interval=0 timeout=3600 \
        op promote interval=0 timeout=3600 \
        op monitor interval=60 role=Master timeout=700 on-fail=ignore \
        op monitor interval=61 role=Slave timeout=700 on-fail=ignore \

Setting "on-fail=ignore" on a Netweaver resource:
primitive rsc_sap_RPI_ASCS00 SAPInstance \
        operations $id=rsc_sap_RPI_ASCS00-operations \
        op monitor interval=31 on-fail=ignore timeout=180 \


Pacemaker monitors the average system load continuously, in order to adapt efficiently on high load situation, by throttling the number of actions forked at the same time. This warning usually indicates an IO bottleneck (NFS, Disk, Network). 

Additional Information

For more details about this issue on SLES12 and SLES11, please refer to the following Knowlegebase Articles/TIDs:


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  • Document ID:000020521
  • Creation Date: 30-Nov-2021
  • Modified Date:12-May-2022
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications

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