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Resolving a fleet-agent that is stuck in the Pending-Upgrade state

This document (000020859) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


The fleet-agent is stuck in a "Pending-Upgrade" state and showing the following error:
time="2022-07-19T16:12:08Z" level=info msg="preparing upgrade for fleet-agent-c-97hcq" time="2022-07-19T16:12:08Z" level=info msg="getting history for release fleet-agent-c-97hcq" time="2022-07-19T16:12:08Z" level=error msg="error syncing 'cluster-fleet-default-c-97hcq-86145229ab95/fleet-agent-c-97hcq': handler bundle-deploy: another operation (install/upgrade/rollback) is in progress, requeuing"


Run the following command against the cluster where the fleet-agent is running:
kubectl get secret -A -l status=pending-upgrade
It will show the output of a secret that is causing the pending-upgrade state as follows:
NAMESPACE             NAME                                        TYPE                 DATA   AGE
cattle-fleet-system   sh.helm.release.v1.fleet-agent-c-97hcq.v2   1      132d
Based on the above output, run through the following steps:

1. Backup the secret into a yaml file  (and save it to a persistent location) for the fleet secret that is causing the pending-upgrade state:
kubectl get secret -n cattle-fleet-system sh.helm.release.v1.fleet-agent-c-97hcq.v2 -oyaml > fleet-agent-c-97hcq.yaml
2. Delete the secret:
kubectl delete secret -n cattle-fleet-system sh.helm.release.v1.fleet-agent-c-97hcq.v2
3. In the Rancher UI, go to Continuous Delivery and do a "Force Update" on the downstream cluster in question


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  • Document ID:000020859
  • Creation Date: 15-Nov-2022
  • Modified Date:29-Jul-2024
    • SUSE Rancher

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