| Brocade 825 8Gbit/sec FC HBA (dual port)
Device Driver / Host Bus Adapter
Hitachi, Ltd. | 08 Oct 2010
133818 |
SUSE YES Certified for the following products:
Product Description
The Brocade 825 (dual port) 8 Gbit/sec Fibre Channel to PCIe Host Bus Adapter (HBA) provides a new level of server connectivity through unmatched hardware and unique software capabilities. Brocade 825 is designed to manage true end-to-end SAN services and enhanced server virtualization across next generation data centers. Brocade 825 maximizes bus throughput with a PCIe 2.0a Gen2 (x8) bus interface with intelligent lane negotiation, delivers up to 500,000 IOPs and 1600 MB/sec throughput in full-duplex mode per port.
Tested Configuration:
BIOS/uEFI: | N/A |
Ports and Bus Types: | PCI Express X8 |
Hard Disk Drive: | 2 HP
HSV200 |
Test Kit: | DiskKit 5.01.30 - 2009-05-04 |
Product File Specifications
| | | | | |
| File Name: bfa.ko | File Version: |
| File Date: 01-Oct-2010 | File Size: 3189515 |
| Checksum: b9bb0689e655aaed664f13222a002d0f |
File URL: |
Config Notes
- Install: OS Installed via USB CD/DVD Drive.
- The igb.ko used during testing is not SUSE SolidDriver Program compliant. The driver was installed from the following driver package: intel-lan_linux_v18.5.zip. This driver package can be downloaded and installed after the SLES install. To obtain the driver go to: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=20927&lang=eng&OSVersion=Red%20Hat%20Linux%20*&DownloadType=Drivers
- The mlx4_core.ko used during testing is not SUSE SolidDriver Program compliant. The driver was installed from the following driver package: MLNX_OFED_LINUX-2.0-3.0.0-sles11sp3-i686.tgz. This driver package can be downloaded and installed after the SLES install. To obtain the driver go to: http://www.mellanox.com/page/mlnx_ofed_eula?mtag=linux_sw_drivers&mrequest=downloads&mtype=ofed&mver=MLNX_OFED-2.0-3.0.0&mname=MLNX_OFED_LINUX-2.0-3.0.0-sles11sp3-i686.tgz
Adapters and Drivers
The term SUSE "YES" Enterprise Certified applies only to the exact configuration documented in this bulletin.
For more information on hardware exchange policies, please access the following document and view the Hardware Component Exchange Guide.
For more information regarding the specific test configuration, please contact:
Hitachi, Ltd.
1 Horiyamashita, Hadano-shi
Voice: +81-463-88-8010
Fax: +81-463-87-7495