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Partner Certification & Solutions Catalog



AML Screen

Comprehensive solution to Anti-Terrorist-Financing and Sanctions Screening with ultra fast and accurate detection, flexible case management of alerts, watch-lists management and reporting. Enriched with the IBM Global Name Recognition(GNR)functionality.

  • Platform SLES 12, SLES 11
  • Hardware Architecture x86-64, x86, Power
  • Highlights


edgeConnect is an Open Presentation Platform, built on a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), enabling companies to develop 'right first time' business applications using a write once publish multiple times model. edgeConnect can provide accelerated ROI

  • Platform SLES 11
  • Hardware Architecture x86-64, x86, System z, Power
  • Highlights

STeP Repair

Payments Transaction messages Repair and Enrichment on the basis of information held in a Knowledge Base (KB) using AI technology and comprehensive rules management.

  • Platform SLES 12, SLES 11
  • Hardware Architecture x86-64, x86, Power
  • Highlights

Temenos Transact

Temenos Transact provides best-in-class corporate banking capabilities. It offers an integrated solution, which is cloud native and cloud agnostic, which enables banks to create services and offers suitable for all corporates from the largest to the smallest.

  • Platform SUSE Rancher
  • Hardware Architecture x86-64
  • Highlights