SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

Improve uptime, increase efficiency, and accelerate innovation with best-of-breed performance and reduced risk.

Stable Releases

15 SP6 15 SP5 15 SP4 15 SP3 15 SP2 15 SP1 15 12 SP5 12 SP4 12 SP3 12 SP2 12 SP1 12 11 SP4

BETA Release

15 SP7


AMD64/Intel 64 Arm Power Z Systems


Product Description

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6 is a full-featured operating system allowing an enterprise to run a variety of workloads based on the multimodal platform of SUSE Linux Enterprise 15.

SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP6 product family consists of the following products and extensions:

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP6
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 SP6
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP6
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 SP6
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching 15 SP6
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP6
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP6

System Requirements

Minimum Linux server system requirements for installation

  • Local installation: 1024 MiB RAM, 512 MiB Swap recommended
  • 2 GiB available disk space (more recommended, 8.5 GiB for all patterns)
  • 32 GiB for snapshot/rollback of the OS

Recommendations for specific uses

  • 1 GiB to 8 GiB RAM, at least 512 MiB per CPU
  • 8 GiB hard-disk space, 32 GiB for snapshot/rollback of the OS
  • Network interface
  • For print servers - a faster processor or additional processors to improve server-based printing
  • For web servers - additional RAM to improve caching, and additional processors to improve web application performance
  • For database servers - additional RAM to improve caching, and multiple disks for parallel I/O
  • For file servers - additional memory and disks, or a RAID system to improve I/O throughout

Download and Installation

For both the Online as well as the Full Medium we offer two variants:

  • The first, containing 'GM' in the filename, consists of the package set as shipped at first customer shipment date
  • The second, identified by a 'QU' followed by a number in the filename, consists of the packages shipped at first customer ship. But all packages where maintenance updates have been released since then have been updated to the latest maintenance update. Quarterly updated media are refreshed every 3 months, with the first coming three month after the 'GM' release

You only need either the 'GM' or the 'QU' media, not both. The choice of the GM or the QU version depends on your needs and preferences. If you have newer hardware, the QU version might be the better choice. The installation procedure is identical for both variants.

For both variants it is recommended to install after/during installation the latest updates released since creating the images.

Both the Online medium and the Full medium are the same for all SLE products, and only need to be downloaded once. Both can be used to install the system, you only need either or.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6 is available for the following architectures. Images for a specific architecture can be identified by the respective acronym in the filenames:

  • Files with "x86_64" in the name are for the AMD64 and Intel* 64 platforms
  • Files with "s390x" in the name are for IBM* z System or LinuxONE
  • Files with "ppc64le" in the name are for the IBM* Power LE platform
  • Files with "aarch64" in the name are for the Arm* 64 platform

For each architecture and media flavour an image with the binary and one with the source packages are available:

  • Media1 Required for the installation, contains binary packages
  • Media2 Source code, only required to rebuild applications on the installer or packages medium

Required downloads

The following downloads are required for each architecture you would like to install on:

  • Regular installation (with Internet access): Media1 of the Online medium
  • Offline installation (without internet access): Media1 of the Full medium

All other images are optional and not required for the installation.

Download the ISO images to a workstation or to a network drive.
Prepare booting into the installation system and start the installation and proceed as outlined here in the deployment guide.

Secure Boot related modifications to installed system

Installation of the SUSE Linux Enterprise operating systems is usually fully reversible, e.g. if you delete the installation from the hard disk the system is in the same state as before.

For UEFI Secure Boot this is not the case, as a UEFI Secure Boot installation updates UEFI variables that persist over reboots and also over reinstallations.

The UEFI variable that is updated disables booting of insecure (older) versions of secure boot capable Operating Systems (namely the "shim" secure boot component).

This method can block older versions of SUSE Linux Enterprise, and can also can block other not up to date Linux distributions using the same "shim" secure boot method. It can also block the reinstallation of the same SUSE Linux Enterprise Service Pack after "shim" online updates.

Please refer to our TID 000021539 on how to enable older systems to boot in such cases.


For quick installation instructions, see the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6 Installation Quick Start, available under the docu directory on the ISO image for Media1. Or find our documentation available online at the SUSE Documentation pages.

For more detailed installation instructions, see the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Administration and Deployment Guides available under the docu directory on the ISO images for Media1, and online as well.

For further information regarding this release, see the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Release Notes.

Please login to SUSE Customer Center for the latest installer images, update channels and your evaluation subscription details.

File Size
SBOM in SPDX 2.0 format
SBOM in CycloneDX format
How do I do this?
File Size
SBOM in SPDX 2.0 format
SBOM in CycloneDX format
How do I do this?
File Size
SBOM in SPDX 2.0 format
SBOM in CycloneDX format
How do I do this?