Upstream information
CVE-2020-1695 at MITRE
A flaw was found in all resteasy 3.x.x versions prior to 3.12.0.Final and all resteasy 4.x.x versions prior to 4.6.0.Final, where an improper input validation results in returning an illegal header that integrates into the server's response. This flaw may result in an injection, which leads to unexpected behavior when the HTTP response is constructed.
Overall state of this security issue: Does not affect SUSE products
This issue is currently rated as having important severity.
CVSS v2 Scores
| National Vulnerability Database |
Base Score | 5 |
Vector | AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N |
Access Vector | Network |
Access Complexity | Low |
Authentication | None |
Confidentiality Impact | None |
Integrity Impact | Partial |
Availability Impact | None |
CVSS v3 Scores
| National Vulnerability Database |
Base Score | 7.5 |
Vector | CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:H/A:N |
Attack Vector | Network |
Attack Complexity | Low |
Privileges Required | None |
User Interaction | None |
Scope | Unchanged |
Confidentiality Impact | None |
Integrity Impact | High |
Availability Impact | None |
CVSSv3 Version | 3.1 |
SUSE Bugzilla entry:
1172141 [NEW]
No SUSE Security Announcements cross referenced.
List of released packages
Product(s) | Fixed package version(s) | References |
SUSE Liberty Linux 8 | apache-commons-collections >= 3.2.2-10.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
apache-commons-lang >= 2.6-21.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
apache-commons-net >= 3.6-3.module+el8.3.0+6805+72837426
bea-stax-api >= 1.2.0-16.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
glassfish-fastinfoset >= 1.2.13-9.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
glassfish-jaxb-api >= 2.2.12-8.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
glassfish-jaxb-core >= 2.2.11-11.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
glassfish-jaxb-runtime >= 2.2.11-11.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
glassfish-jaxb-txw2 >= 2.2.11-11.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
jackson-annotations >= 2.10.0-1.module+el8.2.0+5059+3eb3af25
jackson-core >= 2.10.0-1.module+el8.2.0+5059+3eb3af25
jackson-databind >= 2.10.0-1.module+el8.2.0+5059+3eb3af25
jackson-jaxrs-json-provider >= 2.9.9-1.module+el8.1.0+3832+9784644d
jackson-jaxrs-providers >= 2.9.9-1.module+el8.1.0+3832+9784644d
jackson-module-jaxb-annotations >= 2.7.6-4.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
jakarta-commons-httpclient >= 3.1-28.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
javassist >= 3.18.1-8.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
javassist-javadoc >= 3.18.1-8.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
jss >= 4.8.1-2.module+el8.4.0+10451+3e5b5448
jss-javadoc >= 4.8.1-2.module+el8.4.0+10451+3e5b5448
ldapjdk >= 4.22.0-1.module+el8.3.0+6784+6e1e4c62
ldapjdk-javadoc >= 4.22.0-1.module+el8.3.0+6784+6e1e4c62
pki-acme >= 10.10.5-2.module+el8.4.0+10466+9830f79e
pki-base >= 10.10.5-2.module+el8.4.0+10466+9830f79e
pki-base-java >= 10.10.5-2.module+el8.4.0+10466+9830f79e
pki-ca >= 10.10.5-2.module+el8.4.0+10466+9830f79e
pki-kra >= 10.10.5-2.module+el8.4.0+10466+9830f79e
pki-server >= 10.10.5-2.module+el8.4.0+10466+9830f79e
pki-servlet-4.0-api >= 9.0.30-1.module+el8.3.0+6730+8f9c6254
pki-servlet-engine >= 9.0.30-1.module+el8.3.0+6730+8f9c6254
pki-symkey >= 10.10.5-2.module+el8.4.0+10466+9830f79e
pki-tools >= 10.10.5-2.module+el8.4.0+10466+9830f79e
python-nss-doc >= 1.0.1-10.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
python3-nss >= 1.0.1-10.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
python3-pki >= 10.10.5-2.module+el8.4.0+10466+9830f79e
relaxngDatatype >= 2011.1-7.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
resteasy >= 3.0.26-6.module+el8.4.0+8891+bb8828ef
slf4j >= 1.7.25-4.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
slf4j-jdk14 >= 1.7.25-4.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
stax-ex >= 1.7.7-8.module+el8.2.0+5723+4574fbff
tomcatjss >= 7.6.1-1.module+el8.4.0+8778+d07929ff
velocity >= 1.7-24.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
xalan-j2 >= 2.7.1-38.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
xerces-j2 >= 2.11.0-34.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
xml-commons-apis >= 1.4.01-25.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
xml-commons-resolver >= 1.2-26.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
xmlstreambuffer >= 1.5.4-8.module+el8.2.0+5723+4574fbff
xsom >= 0-19.20110809svn.module+el8.1.0+3366+6dfb954c
| Patchnames: RHSA-2021:1775 |
SUSE Timeline for this CVE
CVE page created: Wed Apr 15 07:54:16 2020
CVE page last modified: Mon Oct 30 18:06:46 2023