XEN: reattaching network devices after the network bridge is restarted
This document (7001931) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1
Each virtual NIC essentially also has a "virtual cable." The cable is attached to a network bridge in Dom0. When the bridge is stopped, the virtual cable is unplugged. In order to reattach the cable, the bridge and the end of the cable need to be identified.
The method of re-attaching the virtual NIC to the bridge device is the same regardless of whether or not the DomU is para-virtual or fully virtual.
- Identify the bridge that the DomU is supposed to be attached to. Replace "DOMU" with the name or ID of the DomU in question.
xm list -l DOMU | grep bridgeExample output:(bridge eth0)
- Identify what virtual NIC (cable) the DomU is attached to:
xm network-list DOMUExample output:
Idx BE MAC Addr. handle state evt-ch tx-/rx-ring-ref BE-path
0 0 00:16:3e:21:7d:2a 0 4 11 520 /521 /local/domain/0/backend/vif/34/0
- Attach the VIF device identified in step 2 to the bridge identified in step 1
syntax: brctl addif BRIDGE VIF
example: brctl addif br0 vif34.0
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- Document ID:7001931
- Creation Date: 18-Nov-2008
- Modified Date:21-Dec-2021
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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