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Print job could not be executed

This document (7018837) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2


Document was not printed as expected, we want to investigate this issue.


To get what the application submits to CUPS do the following:

  1. Stop printing for your print queue. As user 'root' run "cupsdisable <queue_name>" (replace <queue_name> with your print queue name).
  2. As normal user print the exact example file where printing fails from the particular application program.
  3. What the application had submitted in the previous step to CUPS is now hold in the print queue as "/var/spool/cups/d<job_number>-<id>" (replace <job_number> and <id> with correct print job number's)
  4. Save the print job data for further analysis. As user 'root' run "cp /var/spool/cups/d<job_number>-<id> /tmp/" and "chmod a+r /tmp/" to make it accessible also as normal user for later analysis.
  5. Re-enable printing for your print queue. As user 'root' run "cupsenable <queue_name>".
  6. Now "/tmp/" can be inspected.
  7. Verify if print job data is PostScript or PDF: "file /tmp/".
  8. Display print job data with Ghostscript: "gs -r50 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dFIXEDMEDIA /tmp/"
  9. For the case the print job data were created successfully, make sure to have the latest firmware installed on the printer device and test again.
for more detailed description see -


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  • Document ID:7018837
  • Creation Date: 27-Apr-2017
  • Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop

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