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The highstate on some clients show the states "mgr_disable_salt_minion" and "mgr_remove_susemanagerconf" being executed

This document (000021319) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Manager Server 4.3.8
SUSE Manager Server 4.3.9
SUSE Manager Server 4.3.10


Executing a highstate on clients show for some the following two states being executed automatically:


Working as expected. To prevent this, either update the clients still running with older 3000 version salt manually to a newer version (Long Terms Service Pack Support (LTSS) may be required), or add the salt pillar value "mgr_avoid_venv_salt_minion" value.


From SUSE Manager version 4.3.8 on-wards, by default clients still using the older salt version 3000, will automatically attempt to be migrated to the Salt Bundle (venv-salt).

Additional Information

This is done using the state "util.mgr_switch_to_venv_minion", the state is located in the default location at "/usr/share/susemanager/salt/util/mgr_switch_to_venv_minion.sls".

The file "/usr/share/susemanager/salt/switch_to_bundle/mgr_switch_to_venv_minion.sls" checks the "saltversion" grain of the minion that applies it and if that shows it's running with salt version 3000, it includes the "util.mgr_switch_to_venv_minion" state. 

This state is EXCLUDED and will never run for:
salt ssh minions
retail / saltboot minions

As already mentioned, it will also be completely disabled if the option "mgr_avoid_venv_salt_minion" is added to the salt pillar. To do this, create the below two files with the content as follows:

"/srv/pillar/top.sls" containing:
    - avoid_salt_bundle

"/srv/pillar/avoid_salt_bundle.sls" containing:
mgr_avoid_venv_salt_minion: true

Using of the salt bundle can also be disabled during bootstrapping and Clients can also be manually migrated to the Salt Bundle, for details see the online SUSE Manager documentation.


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  • Document ID:000021319
  • Creation Date: 09-Jan-2024
  • Modified Date:10-Jan-2024
    • SUSE Manager Server

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