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How to Change Mouse Orientation from Right Handed to Left

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10


This document discusses how to change the mouse orientation on SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 (SLED) from the default for right handed operation to left handed.
NOTE: This TID assumes the default windows manager Gnome was installed, and uses only GUI tools to make the change. A document found on explains text-based commands to accomplish this task.


To change the orientation of the mouse do the following:
  1. Click 'Computer' in the bottom left of the screen.
  2. Click 'Control Center' from the pop up menu.
  3. In the 'Hardware' section of the Control Center, select'Mouse'.
  4. In the section entitled 'Mouse Orientation', make sure that the field 'Left Handed Mouse' has an 'x' in the box next to it. (Note: to switch back to right handed operation, make sure that that 'x' is removed from this field).
  5. Click 'Close'.
  6. Close the Control Center by clicking the small 'x' in the upper right hand corner of the screen
NOTE: On SLES12 Based systems this change can be made by selecting:
Application (bottom left of screen) | System Tools | Settings | Mouse & Touchpad
Then under the section: Primary Button select either Left (for right handed use) or Right (for left handed use).


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  • Document ID:3726288
  • Creation Date: 07-Aug-2006
  • Modified Date:05-Mar-2021
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop

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