Changes in /etc/fstab don't get applied automatically
This document (7016690) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
For example, if a mount, configured in /etc/fstab, fails during boot, the system will go
into the emergency shell.
From there, it is not sufficient to just comment out the failing fstab entry and then to exit the
emergeny shell to continue booting (this was the procedure in SLES11).
These mount units don't get updated automatically when fstab is modified.
It is required to run the command:
systemctl daemon-reload
in order to update the mount units.
Alternatively, the update can be achieved by rebooting the system.
This will recreate all mount units using the current fstab settings.
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- Document ID:7016690
- Creation Date: 16-Jul-2015
- Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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