Add a client to Windows Active Directory using the GUI
This document (7018466) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2
a) Verify the Domain Name System (DNS) settings and make sure the SLED 12 SP2 client was added to both the "Forward Lookup Zones" and "Reverse Lookup Zones" DNS zones on the Windows Active Directory server.
b) Verify if network discovery in "Network and Sharing Center" is enabled, for more information see:
2. Requirements on the SLED 12 SP2 client:
a) Start the default installation and set the Windows AD server as the NTP server during the installation process.
b) Using the GUI log in as root using "Yast">"System">"Network Settings" and set "Hostname" and "Doman Name", uncheck "Assign Hostname to Loopback IP"
(the recommendation for "Hostname" should not be more than 15 characters as used by Netbios).
c) Access "Network Manager">"Interface">"modify settings">"DNS" and set the Windows AD server as first DNS server, add additional DNS servers as second DNS server.
d) Access "Yast">"Network Services">"User Logon Management" then follow the official SUSE Documentation at:
- check "Allow Domain User Logon"
- check "Create Home Directory"
- for having a separate home directory based on Domain name and User name click "Extended Options" and add "fallback_homedir":"/home/%d/%u"
e) If network browsing is needed using "Files": "Yast">"System">"Services Manager" and enable "nmb" and "smb".
f) Using "Yast">"Security and Users">"Firewall-Interfaces" assign the network interface(s) to "Internal Zone".
g) In "Files" a Windows network share can be added using:
For example: smb://win2008r2/win-share
h) Reboot the client and log in using Windows Active Directory user credentials.
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- Document ID:7018466
- Creation Date: 10-Jan-2017
- Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
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