SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1
The system boots to emergency mode after a large delay.
The LVM community is currently aware of this issue. Until the time required for PVs to be scanned can be improved it is recommended that lvmetad be disabled in such configurations.
This may be accomplished by changing the use_lvmetad value in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf from 1 to 0 and restarting the system. This is currently the default for SLES 12 SP1. For SLES 12 SP2 however, the default is currently set to 1 and should be change to 0 if this issue is encountered.
Currently the use of very high numbers of PVs is not recommended when using lvmetad.
With lvmetad active, the time required to activate volume groups (VGs) increases with each additional physical volume (PV) added to the system. A large enough number of PVs may cause the time required for a VG to be activated to exceed the timeout value of mount units associated with logical volumes (LVs) contained within that VG.
To check for this condition you may use systemd-analyze with the blame option to look for lvm2-pvscan units running for large periods of time:
# systemd-analyze --no-pager blame
2min 57.166s lvm2-pvscan@94:177.service
2min 53.540s lvm2-pvscan@94:245.service
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