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salt minion fails with an exception: ceph_cfg unavailable

This document (7022521) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Enterprise Storage 5


After upgrading a SUSE Enterprise Storage 4 cluster to SUSE Enterprise Storage 5, some of the salt minions fail with:

salt-minion[xxxxxxx]: Exception: 'ceph' __virtual__ returned False: ceph_cfg unavailable: ceph execution module cant be loaded


Make sure Calamari services have properly been removed from all cluster nodes.


Left over Calamari RPMs and services which are obsolete from SUSE Enterprise Storage 5 on wards were not properly un-installed during the upgrade procedure.

Additional Information

Make sure that none of the following RPMs are still installed on any of the cluster nodes:


Once all the old RPMs have been removed, also remove the "ceph.heartbeat" schedule that was implemented as part of the Calamari installation. This can be done by executing the following command on the admin / master node:

salt '*' schedule.delete ceph.heartbeat


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  • Document ID:7022521
  • Creation Date: 08-Jan-2018
  • Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
    • SUSE Enterprise Storage

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