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openATTIC connection failure when Rados Gateway is configured to use port 443

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SUSE Enterprise Storage 5


openATTIC fails to connect to the RGW (Rados GateWay) if the RGW is configured to use SSL (Secure Socket Layer - port 443) with a self-signed certificate using the steps from the online documentation.
From within openATTIC on the "System" tab the following error is seen:

Object Gateway API Connection Failed
Connection error: (errno n/a) SSL error. Probably trying to access a non SSL connection. -retry

In the openATTIC log file at "/var/log/openattic/openattic.log" the following is logged:

2018-11-21 15:16:11,708 104779 mod_wsgi ERROR rest_client#do_request - RGW REST API failed GET, SSL error.


On the openATTIC node take the following steps:

- Edit "/etc/sysconfig/openattic" and change the below section as follows:

# Enable/Disable SSL certificate verification.

- Restart the openATTIC services by running from the console:

# oaconfig restart


The default setting of "0" is handled incorrectly currently and should be fixed in a future maintenance release.


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  • Document ID:7023554
  • Creation Date: 03-Dec-2018
  • Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
    • SUSE Enterprise Storage

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