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Node FQDNs and Aliases Don't Resolve on Admin Node and Barclamps cannot be Applied

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Suse Open stack Cloud 9 crowbar.


When node FQDNs and Aliases don't Resolve on the Admin Node, Barclamps cannot be Applied


The problem here is that crowbar shouldn't add the forwarder to dnsmasq.conf (the forwarder goes to named.conf), but rather only IP addresses that are listed under "Additional name servers" in the DNS barclamp GUI.

After removal of the entries in the "Additional name servers" field in the DNS barclamp, the issue seems to have gone away.


Dnsmasq on localhost responds with a NXDOMAIN to a request containing local address query..
We discovered that crowbar was adding two separate entries in dnsmasq.conf: two duplicates for the local and another for the forwarder (which was set by customer in the barclamp), while keeping localhost as the first entry in resolve.conf

Because of the way dnsmasq treats dns servers listed in its config file, NXDOMAIN response is probably due to dnsmasq occasionally querying the wrong server from its list, which then, of course, gets responded with a NXDOMAIN message.


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  • Document ID:000019852
  • Creation Date: 29-Jan-2021
  • Modified Date:16-Feb-2021
    • SUSE Open Stack Cloud

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