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The AutoYaST rules.xml control file fails to run properly

This document (000020283) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12


A rules.xml AutoYaST control file contains a dialog for selection. The rules.xml file does not seem to be executed properly. The dialog box fails to show and allow for a selection.

The rules.xml looks correct.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE autoinstall>
<autoinstall xmlns="" xmlns:config="">
  <rules config:type="list">
            <continue config:type="boolean">false</continue>
            <element config:type="integer">0</element>
            <dialog_nr config:type="integer">0</dialog_nr>
            <question>Sales Image</question>
            <title>Image Selection</title>
            <conflicts config:type="list">
                <element config:type="integer">1</element>
            <continue config:type="boolean">false</continue>
        <element config:type="integer">1</element>
        <dialog_nr config:type="integer">0</dialog_nr>
        <question>Engineering Image</question>
        <conflicts config:type="list">
            <element config:type="integer">0</element>

The rules.xml, sales.xml and eng.xml files are stored on the installation server under autoyast directory. The boot options used for installation included:
The following error was observed and the installation fails.

"None or wrong base product has been defined in the AutoYaST configuration file. Please check the products entry in the software selection."


1. Create a profile subdirectory with a rules directory under it
2. Move the autoyast/rules.xml file to the autoyast/profile/rules/ directory
3. Move the sales.xml and eng.xml files to the autoyast/profile/ directory
4. Change the autoyast boot option to
NOTE: You must include the trailing '/' so linuxrc identifies the path as a directory, otherwise you will get XML parse errors.


If you directly include the rules.xml filename in the autoyast boot option, autoyast treats the rules.xml file as a stand alone control file, and not a rules file. You must have the correct directory structure and option as stated in the documentation.

Additional Information

For details about rules and classes and their proper use, see the documentation section Rule-based Automatic Installation .


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  • Document ID:000020283
  • Creation Date: 11-Jun-2021
  • Modified Date:15-Jun-2021
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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