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vim Error detected while processing

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Public Cloud Images


When editing files with vim the fiollowing error is seen:
vim /tmp/somefile

Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vim82/suse.vimrc[10]../usr/share/vim/vim82/syntax/syntax.vim[43]..BufRead Autocommands for "*"..script /usr/share/vim/vim82/scripts.vim:
line   30:
E117: Unknown function: dist#script#DetectFiletype
Press ENTER or type command to continue



The vim-data package is missing. Install the package.
zypper in vim-data


The vim-data package is missing due to a packaging issue with the RPM spec file.  vim 8.2.x requires the vim-data package where 8.0.x required only requires vim-data-common. The vim-data package contains supporting files that provide the missing function that causes the error.

Additional Information

On some public cloud images, the version of vim available in the repositories is older than what is installed in the image. When installing the vim-data package on these images, zypper will ask you to downgrade the vim and vim-data-common packages. 

This only impacts cloud images built with vim 8.2.x or installations created before vim 9.x was released to update channels. Existing installations correctly pull in vim-data package when upgrading vim from 8.0.x to 8.2.x or newer.


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  • Document ID:000020735
  • Creation Date: 26-Aug-2022
  • Modified Date:27-Oct-2022
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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