Upstream information

CVE-2006-4625 at MITRE


PHP 4.x up to 4.4.4 and PHP 5 up to 5.1.6 allows local users to bypass certain Apache HTTP Server httpd.conf options, such as safe_mode and open_basedir, via the ini_restore function, which resets the values to their php.ini (Master Value) defaults.

SUSE information

Overall state of this security issue: Resolved

This issue is currently not rated by SUSE as it is not affecting the SUSE Enterprise products.

CVSS v2 Scores
  National Vulnerability Database
Base Score 3.6
Vector AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:N
Access Vector Local
Access Complexity Low
Authentication None
Confidentiality Impact Partial
Integrity Impact Partial
Availability Impact None
SUSE Bugzilla entry: 204803 [RESOLVED / FIXED]

SUSE Security Advisories:

SUSE Timeline for this CVE

CVE page created: Fri Jun 28 05:11:20 2013
CVE page last modified: Sat Feb 15 14:42:46 2025