Generating a Kernel Core Dump Analysis File
This document (7010484) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
Steps to create the core dump analysis file
1. Make sure your supportutils package is current. The analyzevmcore script is included the supportutils package.
2. Register the server for SUSE online updates. You need the Debuginfo repositories.
3. Enable all the Debuginfo repositories
4. Install the kernel-<flavor>-debuginfo RPM package
5. Run analyzevmcore
6. Run supportconfig
SLES15 SP2 Example
1. SUSEConnect --email --regcode your_sle15_regcode
NOTE: Only needed if you have not registered the server. Use your own email address and registration codes.
2. zypper lr # lists the current repositories; the debuginfo repositories are required
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh
1 | Basesystem_Module_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP2-Debuginfo-Pool | SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP2-Debuginfo-Pool | No | ---- | ----
2 | Basesystem_Module_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP2-Debuginfo-Updates | SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP2-Debuginfo-Updates | No | ---- | ----
3 | Basesystem_Module_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP2-Pool | SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP2-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
4 | Basesystem_Module_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP2-Source-Pool | SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP2-Source-Pool | No | ---- | ----
5 | Basesystem_Module_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP2-Updates | SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP2-Updates | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
6 | SLES15-SP2-15.2-0 | SLES15-SP2-15.2-0 | No | ---- | ----
7 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Product-SLES15-SP2-Debuginfo-Pool | SLE-Product-SLES15-SP2-Debuginfo-Pool | No | ---- | ----
8 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Product-SLES15-SP2-Debuginfo-Updates | SLE-Product-SLES15-SP2-Debuginfo-Updates | No | ---- | ----
9 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Product-SLES15-SP2-Pool | SLE-Product-SLES15-SP2-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
10 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Product-SLES15-SP2-Source-Pool | SLE-Product-SLES15-SP2-Source-Pool | No | ---- | ----
11 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Product-SLES15-SP2-Updates | SLE-Product-SLES15-SP2-Updates | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
12 | Server_Applications_Module_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP2-Debuginfo-Pool | SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP2-Debuginfo-Pool | No | ---- | ----
13 | Server_Applications_Module_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP2-Debuginfo-Updates | SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP2-Debuginfo-Updates | No | ---- | ----
14 | Server_Applications_Module_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP2-Pool | SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP2-Pool | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
15 | Server_Applications_Module_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP2-Source-Pool | SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP2-Source-Pool | No | ---- | ----
16 | Server_Applications_Module_15_SP2_x86_64:SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP2-Updates | SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP2-Updates | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
3. Enable each of the Debuginfo repositories listed
zypper mr -e SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP2-Debuginfo-Pool
zypper mr -e SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP2-Debuginfo-Updates
4. uname -r # shows the kernel "flavor" at the end of the string. This assumes the running kernel is the one that dumped core.
5. zypper se -s kernel-default-debuginfo | grep 5.3.18-24.64 # finds the matching debug kernel version to install
| kernel-default-debuginfo | package | 5.3.18-24.64.1 | x86_64 | SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP2-Debuginfo-Updates
6. zypper in kernel-default-debuginfo-5.3.18-24.64.1
7. In order to run analyzevmcore, you need to install the crash utility from the Development Tools Module. The crash utility is not installed on any version of SLES15 by default. The Development Tools Module is dependent on the Desktop Applications Module, which must be registered first.
8. Register Desktop and Development modules if needed
NOTE: This is only needed if they are not currently registered and visible in zypper lr.
SUSEConnect --list-extensions
SUSEConnect -p sle-module-desktop-applications/15.2/x86_64
SUSEConnect -p sle-module-development-tools/15.2/x86_64
9. Install crash
zypper in crash
10. analyzevmcore # generates the kernel core analysis
NOTE: TID000020256 - Unsupported KDUMP_SAVEDIR reported by analyzevmcore
11. supportconfig # includes the kernel core analysis in crash.txt
SLES12 SP5 Example
1. SUSEConnect --email --regcode your_sle12_regcode
# NOTE: Only needed if you have not registered the server. Use your own email address and registration codes.
2. zypper lr # lists the current repositories; the debuginfo repositories are required
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh
1 | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0 | SLES12-SP5-12.5-0 | Yes | (r ) Yes | No
2 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP5_x86_64:SLES12-SP5-Debuginfo-Pool | SLES12-SP5-Debuginfo-Pool | No | ---- | ----
3 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP5_x86_64:SLES12-SP5-Debuginfo-Updates | SLES12-SP5-Debuginfo-Updates | No | ---- | ----
4 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP5_x86_64:SLES12-SP5-Pool | SLES12-SP5-Pool | Yes | ( p) Yes | No
5 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP5_x86_64:SLES12-SP5-Source-Pool | SLES12-SP5-Source-Pool | No | ---- | ----
6 | SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_12_SP5_x86_64:SLES12-SP5-Updates | SLES12-SP5-Updates | Yes | ( p) Yes | Yes
3. Enable each of the Debuginfo repositories listed
zypper mr -e SLES12-SP5-Debuginfo-Pool
zypper mr -e SLES12-SP5-Debuginfo-Updates
4. uname -r # shows the kernel "flavor" at the end of the string. This assumes the running kernel is the one that dumped core.
5. zypper se -s kernel-default-debuginfo | grep 4.12.14-120 # finds the matching debug kernel version to install
| kernel-default-debuginfo | package | 4.12.14-120.1 | x86_64 | SLES12-SP5-Debuginfo-Pool
6. zypper in kernel-default-debuginfo-4.12.14-120.1
7. analyzevmcore # generates the kernel core analysis
8. supportconfig # includes the kernel core analysis in crash.txt
SLES11 SP4 Example
1. suse_register -n -a -a regcode-sles=your_sle11_regcode
# NOTE: Only needed if you have not registered the server. Use your own email address and registration codes.
2. zypper lr # lists the current repositories; the debuginfo repositories are required
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh
1 | SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP4 11.4.4-1.109 | SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP4 11.4.4-1.109 | Yes | No
2 | scc_suse_com:SLE11-Public-Cloud-Module | SLE11-Public-Cloud-Module | No | Yes
3 | scc_suse_com:SLE11-SP4-Debuginfo-Pool | SLE11-SP4-Debuginfo-Pool | No | Yes
4 | scc_suse_com:SLE11-SP4-Debuginfo-Updates | SLE11-SP4-Debuginfo-Updates | No | Yes
5 | scc_suse_com:SLE11-Security-Module | SLE11-Security-Module | No | Yes
6 | scc_suse_com:SLES11-Extras | SLES11-Extras | No | Yes
7 | scc_suse_com:SLES11-SP4-Pool | SLES11-SP4-Pool | Yes | Yes
8 | scc_suse_com:SLES11-SP4-Updates | SLES11-SP4-Updates | Yes | Yes
3. Enable each of the Debuginfo repositories listed
zypper mr -e SLE11-SP4-Debuginfo-Pool
zypper mr -e SLE11-SP4-Debuginfo-Updates
4. uname -r # shows the kernel "flavor" at the end of the string
5. zypper in kernel-default-debuginfo
6. analyzevmcore # generates the kernel core analysis
7. supportconfig # includes the kernel core analysis in crash.txt
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- Document ID:7010484
- Creation Date: 18-Jul-2012
- Modified Date:28-May-2021
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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