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SLES for SAP migration from SLES 11 SP3/SP4 to SLES 12 GA/SP1 does not work offline

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications


When running a migration from SLES 11 SP3/SP4 for SAP Applications to version 12 GA or SP1, an error is shown in red in the installation summary:

"Some products are marked for automatic removal...
Error: Product SLES for SAP Applications will be automatically removed"


A possible workaround is to register the system in the previous steps, either to a Subscription Management Tool (SMT) server or to SCC.

Alternatively, in order to address this issue, a DUD (Disk Update Driver) was released.
The DUD and the signature for it can be found here:

Please download both files and store them in the same location. When running the installation, add the following option in the boot commandline from Grub in order to load the DUD:

Feel free to use any protocol that suits better your environment (ftp, http, local disk...)
In case any other DUD was already needed, more than one DUD can be added at the same time, using the same parameter several times.

Of couse if it is possible to register the system during the upgrade process, no DUD should be needed.


Some products were renamed in the change from SLES 11 to 12, and this needs to be fixed, either by changing the code with the DUD, or by accessing SCC/SMT.


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  • Document ID:7018320
  • Creation Date: 23-Nov-2016
  • Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications

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