Public Cloud Infrastructure Update
This document (000019633) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines
Amazon EC2
Google Compute Engine
- Consolidation of update servers to serve all products from the same set of servers
- Improved HA setup
- Support of traffic routing through the datacenter
- There will be 3 update servers per region spread across multiple AZ's
- There is now a marker in instances which will identify it to update servers so that Cloud-Datacenter-Cloud dataflow is supported
- There will be SLES11 repos but none of them will receive any updates since general support has ended for SLES11
- VM's must be upgraded to the package "cloud-regionsrv-client" version 9.0.0 or greater
- zypper up cloud-regionsrv-client
- IP address access restriction checks of old infrastructure will be disabled no later than end of June, 2020. After this Cloud-Datacenter-Cloud access is open for all regions. This also enables the "bring your own IP" feature in AWS
- Instance is patched up-to-date
- Instance image date stamp of 20200526 or greater for anything SLE 12 base in AWS and Azure
Situation 1: In AWS, there was a way to create private images that would drop the identifier in the metadata that makes an instance from this image a PAYG instance. These instances will not meet requirements to have access to the new update infrastructure. A migration to a new instance will be required to get access to update infrastructure.
Situation 2: In AWS, the marker could be lost if an older image was used. For SLES for SAP images with a date stamp prior to 20181212, there was a bug. This bug was caused by the baseproduct pointing to the wrong product definition file. If a zypper lr is run and no repositories are listed, the fix is:
cd /etc/products.d rm baseproduct ln -s baseproduct systemctl start guestregister.service
Situation 3: In GCE, to access update infrastructure where traffic is routed to the datacenter, all instances must have access to instance metadata for identity tokens. This token is used to validate the identity of the request to SUSE's update infrastructure. Instances must have an associated service account in order to generate this token. This is the default behavior when an instance is launched. However, it is possible to create instances without a service account and therefore without the identity token. For such instances, you will need to stop the instance and add a service account to enable access to SLES update infrastructure.
To check if instance is affected by this situation, run the following on the instance:
curl -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google"
If the metadata returned is not a token and instead a message indicating the following, then instance is affected by this situation and remediation will need to be performed:
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Service account not enabled on this instance"}
To remediate, add a service acount to the instance with no scopes replacing <instance>, <zone> and <service_account>:
gcloud compute instances stop <instance> --zone <zone> gcloud compute instances set-service-account <instance> --zone <zone> --service account <service_account> --no-scopes gcloud compute instances start <instance> --zone <zone>
To perform a bulk check for multiple instances, run the following gcloud command to list all instances in the project without a service account:
gcloud compute instances list --filter " = ''"
Situation 4: In Azure, AWS, or GCE, access to repositories went away or are no longer present. This happens because access to the update servers was denied. Update the required packages manually. Reference the following TID to update required packages manually:
This list of situations will be updated if anything new is reported and verified. If issues are still occurring after working through these resolutions, work through respective cloud service provider support services.
Additional Information
This Support Knowledgebase provides a valuable tool for SUSE customers and parties interested in our products and solutions to acquire information, ideas and learn from one another. Materials are provided for informational, personal or non-commercial use within your organization and are presented "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
- Document ID:000019633
- Creation Date: 27-May-2020
- Modified Date:24-Jan-2025
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications
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