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How to solve syslog/rsyslog does not show new log messages

This document (000019658) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3


When trying to log a message e.g.:
logger "isjournalforwarding"

The following 2 situations have been identified, caused by 3 possible reasons:
  • Empty /var/log/messages or no new messages
Both commands will show no result:
grep "isjournalforwarding" /var/log/messages
journalctl |grep isjournalforwarding
  • The systemd journal ( journalctl -xe ) shows messages, but e.g. /var/log/messages is not updated.
Shows result:
journalctl |grep isjournalforwarding

No result for:
grep "isjournalforwarding" /var/log/messages


  • Remote server is not reachable
check network and server are reachable
  • journald is not forwarding:
Enable forwarding in /etc/systemd/journald.conf and restart systemd-journald.service
  • syslog socket down
Restarting the systemd socket: systemctl restart syslog.socket


  • Remote server is not reachable
The message queue fills up to maximum. The rsyslog memory usage would grow higher than usual
  • journald is not forwarding:
  • syslog socket down
Syslog does not pick up incoming dat from socket
The following command
systemctl status syslog.socket

Will show the service as "running"

But testing with socat shows socked is down:
zypper in socat
printf "<13>test_printf" | socat - UNIX-CLIENT:/run/systemd/journal/syslog
2020/05/26 08:10:33 socat[58200] E connect(3, AF=1 "/run/systemd/journal/syslog", 29): Connection refused

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  • Document ID:000019658
  • Creation Date: 30-Jun-2020
  • Modified Date:03-Dec-2020
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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