Low performance while accessing the server via xRDP
This document (000021159) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP5
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 all Service Packs
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5
SUSE Linux Enterprise for SAP Applications 15 all Service Packs
SUSE Linux Enterprise for SAP Applications 12 SP5
Screens are very slow to redraw, and general performance is very low while interacting with the remote server. This happens regardless of the available network bandwidth.
Configure the TCP send buffer size
- Edit the file /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini
- Locate the line that reads "tcp_send_buffer_bytes". Remove the comment character ("#").
- Edit the value so it now reads:
- Restart the service:
# systemctl restart xrdp
Configure the kernel network buffer size (optional)
- Change the current network buffer size to a larger value with the following command:
sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=8388608
- Create a new file /etc/sysctl.d/xrdp.conf with the following content:
net.core.wmem_max = 8388608
This will ensure that the value is properly set between reboots.
Additional Information
This Support Knowledgebase provides a valuable tool for SUSE customers and parties interested in our products and solutions to acquire information, ideas and learn from one another. Materials are provided for informational, personal or non-commercial use within your organization and are presented "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
- Document ID:000021159
- Creation Date: 03-Aug-2023
- Modified Date:08-Feb-2024
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications
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