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Configure btrfs-balance to run out of production times

This document (000021570) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


In general a btrfs balance may have an impact on the systems performance, especially on busy ones.
To avoid a balance run during production times systemd offers some very flexible tools to re-schedule the service.

SLES12 SP5 requires a different solution since the btrfsmaintenance tools utilize cron. 


SLES15 SP3 and later:
To avoid btrfs balance running during production times lets
define a window of 24 hours on Sundays.

Step 1:
sles15sp62:~ # vi /etc/sysconfig/btrfsmaintenance
and change
BTRFS_BALANCE_PERIOD="Sun *-*-* 00:00:00"
Due to this change, the balance now will always start on Sundays at 00:00 AM. However, it may not be desired to have all systems in a particular environment start at the same time, therefore a random delay is required for the job:
sles15sp62:~ # systemctl edit btrfs-balance.timer
The value 86400 has been chosen in this example because a day has 86400 secs, so the job can run on any time at Sundays. Feel free to adjust as applicable. 
After editing and saving the file, success of the operation is shown as:
Successfully installed edited file '/etc/systemd/system/btrfs-balance.timer.d/override.conf'.
As a last step, reload the changed settings:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemd is able to show when a job will be run:
sles15sp62:~ # systemctl status btrfs-balance.timer
● btrfs-balance.timer - Balance block groups on a btrfs filesystem
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/btrfs-balance.timer; enabled; preset: enabled)
    Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/btrfs-balance.timer.d
             └─override.conf, schedule.conf
     Active: active (waiting) since Thu 2024-09-26 10:13:41 CEST; 2min 0s ago
    Trigger: Sun 2024-09-29 11:42:02 CEST; 3 days left
   Triggers: ● btrfs-balance.service
       Docs: man:btrfs-balance
As already noted SLES12 SP5 works in a different way:
sles12sp51:~ # vi /etc/sysconfig/btrfsmaintenance
Now create a cron job for the btrfs-balance job
sles12sp51:~ # sudo su
sles12sp51:~ # crontab -e
and add
0 0  * * SUN  /usr/share/btrfsmaintenance/
crontab: installing new crontab
The behaviour of the variable RANDOM_DELAY in crontabs is described in "man 5 crontab".
Please note: In opposite to RandomizedDelaySec, the unit of the variable RANDOM_DELAY is given in minutes.


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  • Document ID:000021570
  • Creation Date: 26-Sep-2024
  • Modified Date:26-Sep-2024
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications

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