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How does lilu/lilocked ransomware affecting SUSE products

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 Service Pack 4 (SLES 12 SP4)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 Service Pack 1 (SLES 15 SP1)
SUSE Manager 3.2
SUSE Manager 4.0


Lilu, a new Ransomware which targets Linux servers, has been spotted since mid-July in the wild. Lilu, does not encrypt any system files but only a small subset of web-related files and then requires a ransom to decrypt them. Even though, it is currently not known which vulnerability Lilu exploits in order to gain root access, security researchers suspect Exim's CVE-2019-13917 and CVE-2019-15846 which allow an attacker to connect remotely and execute code with root privileges. Other researchers believe that Lilu exploits known vulnerabilities of outdated versions of WordPress.


Since the exact exploitation method of Lilu is not yet known it is highly recommended to keep your system updated. Especially customers who decided to install Exim or WordPress from another source, they are required to update Exim to the latest fully patched version, keep WordPress updated all the time and install to it updated, trusted and well maintained plugins.


Who is affected

It is unclear who is affected but currently we are not aware of any affected SUSE Enterprise product. None SUSE Enterprise products ship Exim or WordPress. For example Exim is only being shipped in openSUSE LEAP 15.0 and 15.1 where an update which solves the suspected vulnerabilities is already available.

Additional Information

External sources


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  • Document ID:7024110
  • Creation Date: 12-Sep-2019
  • Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
    • SUSE Manager

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