Using the face browser for logins
This document (3264708) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
- su to root.
- Run /opt/gnome/sbin/gdmsetup
- On the General tab, determine what the Local greeter is set to.
- Click on the appropriate tab.
- If using the "Themed Greeter", select an appropriate greeter that includes a browser.
- Click on the Security tab.
- Enable "Show Face Browser".
- Create an image that is desired for the face in the browser.
- Crop or resize the image to 96 pixels by 96 pixels.
- Save the image as either a jpeg or a PNG image.
- Copy the new image to /opt/gnome/share/pixmaps/faces/ .
- Run "gdmphotosetup".
- Select the image from the list.
- Logout.
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- Document ID:3264708
- Creation Date: 24-Aug-2006
- Modified Date:04-Mar-2021
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
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