No GUI when booting a Xen kernel
This document (7000063) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10
Adjust the X11 configuration for use with the Xen kernel as follows:
- Boot the system using the Xen kernel, supplying the kernel parameter
init 3to ensure the system does not try to bring up the GUI.
- Log in in the text mode environment.
- Rerun the X11 configuration as follows:
SaX2 -r 0=vesa
Additional Information
This issue is typically seen when a graphics driver from a graphics card vendor like nVidea or ATI is used instead of a driver that is shipped with the SUSE Linux product. Such vendor drivers generally do not (or not yet) support the Xen flavour of the kernel. The resolution steps force reconfiguration of the X11 driver using the generic vesa driver which is shipped with the product.
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- Document ID:7000063
- Creation Date: 14-Apr-2008
- Modified Date:24-Mar-2021
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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