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How to check all ingresses from the NGINX ingress controller to all backend pods

This document (000020011) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.



This script is designed to walk through all the ingresses in a cluster and test that it can curl the backend pods from the NGINX pods. This is mainly done to verify the overlay network is working along with checking the overall configuration.


  • kubectl access to the cluster

Run script

curl | bash

Example output

Broken pod
bash ./ -F Table
Pod: webserver-bad-85cf9ccdf8-8v4mh
Port: 80
Endpoint: ingress-1d8af467b8b7c9682fda18c8d5053db7
Ingress: test-bad
Ingress Pod: nginx-ingress-controller-b2s2d
Node: a1ubphylbp01
Status: Fail!
bash ./ -F Inline
Checking Pod webserver-bad-8v4mh PodIP on Port 80 in endpoint ingress-bad for ingress test-bad from nginx-ingress-controller-b2s2d on node a1ubphylbp01 NOK
Working pod
bash ./ -F Table
Pod: webserver-bad-85cf9ccdf8-8v4mh
Port: 80
Endpoint: ingress-1d8af467b8b7c9682fda18c8d5053db7
Ingress: test-bad
Ingress Pod: nginx-ingress-controller-b2s2d
Node: a1ubphylbp01
Status: Pass!
bash ./ -F Inline
Checking Pod webserver-good-65644cffd4-gbpkj PodIP on Port 80 in endpoint ingress-good for ingress test-good from nginx-ingress-controller-b2s2d on node a1ubphylbp01 OK


The following commands will deploy two workloads and ingresses. One that is working with a web server that is responding on port 80. And the other will have the webserver disabled, so it will fail to connect.

kubectl apply -f


This Support Knowledgebase provides a valuable tool for SUSE customers and parties interested in our products and solutions to acquire information, ideas and learn from one another. Materials are provided for informational, personal or non-commercial use within your organization and are presented "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.

  • Document ID:000020011
  • Creation Date: 06-May-2021
  • Modified Date:06-May-2021
    • SUSE Rancher

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