Debugging why non-sbd stonith device resource agent failed.
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If a non-sbd based stonith resource agent fails .
Example external/ipmi type.
heynode01:~ # crm_mon --include=failures --exclude=summary,nodes,resources -1 Failed Resource Actions: * STONITH-heynode01_start_0 on heynode05 'unknown error' (1): call=55, status=Error, exitreason='', last-rc-change='Sat Feb 11 08:57:57 2023', queued=0ms, exec=43200ms
And there is need to debug the cause of failure.
First check the resource agent configuration .
heynode01:~ # crm configure show STONITH-heynode01 primitive STONITH-heynode01 stonith:external/ipmi \ op monitor interval=300s timeout=60s on-fail=restart \ op start interval=0 timeout=60s \ op_params onfail=restart \ params pcmk_delay_base=6000 hostname=heynode01 ipaddr= userid=FENCEMEUP passwd="this!just!Fail2$" interface=lanplus \ meta target-role=Started
Check what parameters stonith uses for the resource.
Example for external/ipmi.
heynode01:~ # stonith -t external/ipmi -n hostname ipaddr userid passwd interface
Now test the stonith with verbose option enabled (-v) and just status flag (-S).
heynode01:~ # stonith -v -t external/ipmi hostname=heynode01 ipaddr= userid=FENCEMEUP passwd="this!just!Fail2$" interface=lanplus -S
Result from above command:
-bash: !just!Fail2$: event not found
The cause of the failure above is the complex password that uses ! and $ characters that bash will find problematic.
If verbose is not enough to reveal the failure cause , you can try using debug flag (-d).
heynode01:~ # stonith -d -t external/ipmi hostname=heynode01 ipaddr= userid=FENCEMEUP passwd="this!just!Fail2$" interface=lanplus -S
Stonith resource agents can not be debugged using resource trace option .
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- Document ID:000020991
- Creation Date: 28-Feb-2023
- Modified Date:28-Feb-2023
- SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension
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