RMT mirroring fails when /tmp runs out of disk space
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W, [2024-01-02T18:16:12.000122 #49915] WARN -- : The following errors occurred while mirroring: W, [2024-01-02T18:16:12.000168 #49915] WARN -- : Repository 'SUSE-PackageHub-15-Standard-Pool’ (3059): Error while mirroring packages: No space left on device @ io_write - /tmp/rmt20240102-49915-1ng0dl. W, [2024-01-02T18:16:12.000199 #49915] WARN -- : Repository 'SUSE-PackageHub-15-SPS-Backports-Pool’ (6113): Error while mirroring packages: No space left on device @ io_write - /tmp/rmt20240102-49915-yvfj0b. W, [2024-01-02T18:16:12.000233 #49915] WARN -- : Mirroring completed with errors. The command exited with errors.
1. make sure you do this on a filesystem with abundant free space. If you have already enough space at /var/lib/rmt/tmp it is suggested to use this one and skip directly to step 3 as it already have to correct permissions. Maybe you need to add additional space somewhere. Create a new directory at this location, for example:
mkdir /var/rmttmp2. Set the proper filesystem permission for the new folder:
chown -R _rmt:nginx /var/rmttmp3. Edit the RMT mirror service file to redirect temporary files to the location created above:
systemctl edit rmt-server-mirror.service4. Add the statement between the commented section as instructed and use the chosen location.
[Service] Environment= Environment="LOG_TO_JOURNALD=1" "LANG=en" "TMPDIR=/var/rmttmp/"5. Restart the services:
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart rmt-server-mirror.serviceOn restarting the rmt-server-mirror.service, resume the mirroring process (rmt-cli mirror / rmt-cli mirror product xxxx) and /tmp will no longer be in use, but rather the new location created above will be used, and thus the RMT server will not run out of disk space.
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- Document ID:000021403
- Creation Date: 13-Mar-2024
- Modified Date:20-Mar-2024
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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