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Security Vulnerability: remote code execution via cups-browsed (CVE-2024-47177, CVE-2024-47175, CVE-2024-47176, CVE-2024-47076)

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For a comprehensive list of affected products please review the SUSE security announcements:

SUSE Liberty Linux 7
SUSE Liberty Linux 8
SUSE Liberty Linux 9


A security researcher "evilsocket" has disclosed a chain of security vulnerabilities in cups and related tools.

If the "cups-browsed" service is enabled, and its listening port UDP 631 is not blocked by the firewall, cups-browsed accepts CUPS requests from the network. These CUPS requests can inject printer metadata into the print system. The CUPS stack did not filter out metacharacters, so the injected printer data could be used for a shell code injection attack.

Note this vulnerability is unlikely to work across network gateway boundaries or any NATed setups.

SUSE does not enable the cups-browsed.service by default.


Possible Workarounds:

1.) Block port 631 UDP in firewall if not already blocked.
2.) Disable cups-browsed.service if its running. Use

systemctl status cups-browsed.service
to verify the status and to stop and disable it:
systemctl stop cups-browsed.service
systemctl disable cups-browsed.service

3.) cups-browsed is part of the cups-filters RPM. If it is not required, an option is to remove the package:

zypper rm cups-filters


Security Alert

Additional Information

For general cups and sane settings please see:


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  • Document ID:000021571
  • Creation Date: 27-Sep-2024
  • Modified Date:27-Sep-2024
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
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    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications
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