RKE2 changes to watchIngressWithoutClass: false affects previous ingress objects
This document (000021666) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
- Suse Rancher 2.8.5 +
- RKE2 affected versions:
- 1.27 lower than v1.27.16+rke2r2
- 1.28 lower than v1.28.13+rke2r1
- 1.29 lower than v1.29.8+rke2r1
- 1.30 lower than v1.30.4+rke2r1
- After an RKE2 upgrade, the changes to the helm value watchIngressWithoutClass (false) for the Rke2 ingress-nginx Helm Chart, can cause the Ingress to stop watching ingress objects that don't already define an ingressClassName field. This means, that all Ingresses objects created without an IngressClass name won't be watched by the Nginx Ingress, so the traffic won't flow to them.
- A fix is available in the following RKE2 releases: v1.27.16+rke2r2, v1.28.13+rke2r1, v1.29.8+rke2r1, v1.30.4+rke2r1. These releases include the value '--watch-ingress-without-class=true' in the RKE2 Ingress-nginx Helm Chart
- There is a workaround if upgrading to a patch RKE2 release isn't an option:
- Recreate the ingress objects
- Modify your Ingress resources to set
spec.ingressClassName: nginx
- Override the rke2-ingress-nginx helm chart values to with
watchIngressWithoutClass: true
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- Document ID:000021666
- Creation Date: 13-Jan-2025
- Modified Date:06-Feb-2025
- SUSE Rancher
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