dlm resource not able to start due to: dlm not available error
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SUSE Linux Enterprise for SAP Applications 15
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15
Pacemaker is not able to start dlm resource. The following error can be seen:
2025-01-18T02:28:07.769296+0400 test1 pacemaker-controld[9349]: notice: Requesting local execution of start operation for dlm on test1
2025-01-18T02:28:07.769683+0400 test1 pacemaker-execd[9346]: notice: executing - rsc:dlm action:start call_id:45
2025-01-18T02:28:07.807406+0400 test1 controld(dlm)[16115]: ERROR: /sys/kernel/config/dlm not available
2025-01-18T02:28:07.812177+0400 test1 pacemaker-execd[9346]: notice: dlm start (call 45, PID 16102) exited with status 5 (execution time 42ms)
2025-01-18T02:28:07.812614+0400 test1 pacemaker-controld[9349]: notice: Result of start operation for dlm on test1: not installed
2025-01-18T02:28:07.812649+0400 test1 pacemaker-controld[9349]: notice: dlm_start_0@test1 output [ modprobe: FATAL: Module dlm not found in directory /lib/modules/5.14.21-150500.55.88-default\n ]
Distributed Lock Manager (dlm) is a kernel module and is being provided by dlm-kmp-default
If the patching process installs a new kernel-default
version on the node, the corresponding dlm-kmp-default
package of the same version must also be installed. For example, if the server's kernel is updated to kernel-default-5.14.21-150500.55.88.1.x86_64
, the dlm-kmp-default-5.14.21-150500.55.88.1.x86_64
package must be installed.
When using custom repositories, ensure the dlm-kmp-default
package version matches the kernel-default
version and is available within those repositories.
The DLM module fails to load due to a version mismatch between kernel-default
and dlm-kmp-default
. Module lookup, performed in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)
, uses the updated kernel version, but the corresponding dlm-kmp-default
package is not present, causing the failure.
# /sbin/modinfo dlm
modinfo: ERROR: Module dlm not found.
Hence failing to load the dlm module.
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- Document ID:000021688
- Creation Date: 04-Feb-2025
- Modified Date:04-Feb-2025
- SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications
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