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How to register SLES using the SUSEConnect command line tool

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12


With SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 and 15 a new command line tool to register servers has been implemented: SUSEConnect

This article will provide some details on how to use SUSEConnect.

Registering (or activating) a system with the SUSE Customer Center (SCC) is necessary to be on a supported state and to be able to receive updates.

SUSEConnect replaces suse_register.
While SUSEConnect does register a SLES 12 and 15 system with SCC, suse_register communicated with the former Novell Customer Center (NCC).


To get an overview on the existing options for SUSEConnect, run "SUSEConnect --help":
server1:~ # SUSEConnect -help
Usage: SUSEConnect [options]
Register SUSE Linux Enterprise installations with the SUSE Customer Center.
Registration allows access to software repositories including updates,
and allows online management of subscriptions and organizations

Manage subscriptions at
    -p, --product [PRODUCT]  Activate PRODUCT. Defaults to the base SUSE Linux
                               Enterprise product on this system.
                               Product identifiers can be obtained with 'zypper products'
                               Format: <internal name>/<version>/<architecture>
    -r, --regcode [REGCODE]  Subscription registration code for the
                               product to be registered.
                               Relates that product to the specified subscription,
                               and enables software repositories for that product
        --instance-data  [path to file]
                             Path to the XML file holding the public key and instance data
                               for cloud registration with SMT
    -e, --email <email>      email address for product registration
         --url [URL]          URL of registration server (e.g.
                               Implies --write-config so that subsequent invocations use the same registration server.
    -s, --status             get current system registration status in json format
         --status-text        get current system registration status in text format
         --write-config       write options to config file at /etc/SUSEConnect

Common options:
        --root [PATH]        Path to the root folder, uses the same parameter for zypper.
        --version            print program version
        --debug              provide debug output
   -h, --help               show this message

The most important options needed are:
-r, --regcode [REGCODE]
-e, --email [EMAIL]
-p, --product [PRODUCT]

Once the script has finished successfully, the file /etc/SUSEConnect will be generated. The default content will for example look like:
server1:~ # cat /etc/SUSEConnect
insecure: false

An example command to register a server using SUSEConnect would be:
SUSEConnect -r <ActivationCode> -e <EmailAddress>

The "--product" option is useful to add other products e.g. the "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Workstation Extension 12". A list of products already installed, but not necessarily registered, can be retrieved by issuing the command "zypper pd -i". A list of products already registered can be retrieved by issuing "SUSEConnect --status-text". A list of products available to install from enabled repositories can be retrieved by issuing "zypper se -t product".  A list of available add-on products to register can be retrieved by issuing "SUSEConnect --list-extensions".

NOTE: It will not be possible to register a product unless it is already installed.

Newer versions of the tool included with SLES12 SP1 and SLES12 SP2 also has additional options, see "man SUSEConnect" for information on the latest options available.

Additional Information

If the script does not finish successfully the "--debug" option can be added to increase the verbosity of the script:
SUSEConnect -r <ActivationCode> -e <EmailAddress> --debug

SUSEConnect is located in the /usr/bin directory and is provided by the package SUSEConnect.


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  • Document ID:7016626
  • Creation Date: 23-Jun-2015
  • Modified Date:30-Mar-2023
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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