Security update for flatpak

Announcement ID: SUSE-SU-2023:1714-1
Rating: important
CVSS scores:
  • CVE-2023-28100 ( SUSE ): 8.6 CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H
  • CVE-2023-28100 ( NVD ): 6.5 CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:N/I:N/A:H
  • CVE-2023-28101 ( SUSE ): 6.3 CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:N/I:H/A:N
  • CVE-2023-28101 ( NVD ): 4.3 CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N
Affected Products:
  • SUSE Enterprise Storage 7
  • SUSE Enterprise Storage 7.1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP2
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP2 LTSS 15-SP2
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP3
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing ESPOS 15 SP3
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing LTSS 15 SP3
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP3
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 LTSS 15-SP2
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 LTSS 15-SP3
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP2
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP3

An update that solves two vulnerabilities can now be installed.


This update for flatpak fixes the following issues:

  • CVE-2023-28101: Fixed misleading terminal output with metadata with ANSI control codes (bsc#1209410).
  • CVE-2023-28100: Fixed unsandboxed TIOCLINUX commands (bsc#1209411).

Update to version 1.10.8:

  • If an app update is blocked by parental controls policies, clean up the temporary deploy directory
  • Fix Autotools build with versions of gpgme that no longer provide gpgme-config(1)
  • Fix regressions in flatpak history since 1.9.1
  • Don't display the appstream branch used internally
  • Don't display temporary repositories used internally
  • Ignore transaction log entries with empty REF field
  • Warn instead of failing if other non-app, non-runtime refs are found
  • Don't set up an unnecessary polkit agent for flatpak history
  • Add test coverage
  • Fix a typo in an error message
  • Fix incorrect year in NEWS for 1.10.7 release
  • Translation update: pl
  • Add test coverage for Flatpak's seccomp filters

Patch Instructions:

To install this SUSE update use the SUSE recommended installation methods like YaST online_update or "zypper patch".
Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP2 LTSS 15-SP2
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-HPC-15-SP2-LTSS-2023-1714=1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing ESPOS 15 SP3
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-HPC-15-SP3-ESPOS-2023-1714=1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing LTSS 15 SP3
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-HPC-15-SP3-LTSS-2023-1714=1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP3
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-RT-15-SP3-2023-1714=1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 LTSS 15-SP2
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLES-15-SP2-LTSS-2023-1714=1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 LTSS 15-SP3
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLES-15-SP3-LTSS-2023-1714=1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP2
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLES_SAP-15-SP2-2023-1714=1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP3
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Product-SLES_SAP-15-SP3-2023-1714=1
  • SUSE Enterprise Storage 7.1
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-Storage-7.1-2023-1714=1
  • SUSE Enterprise Storage 7
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-Storage-7-2023-1714=1

Package List:

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing 15 SP2 LTSS 15-SP2 (aarch64 x86_64)
    • flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debugsource-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-zsh-completion-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-devel-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • system-user-flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • typelib-1_0-Flatpak-1_0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing ESPOS 15 SP3 (aarch64 x86_64)
    • flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debugsource-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-zsh-completion-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-devel-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • system-user-flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • typelib-1_0-Flatpak-1_0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing LTSS 15 SP3 (aarch64 x86_64)
    • flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debugsource-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-zsh-completion-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-devel-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • system-user-flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • typelib-1_0-Flatpak-1_0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP3 (x86_64)
    • flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debugsource-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-zsh-completion-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-devel-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • system-user-flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • typelib-1_0-Flatpak-1_0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 LTSS 15-SP2 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
    • flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debugsource-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-zsh-completion-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-devel-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • system-user-flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • typelib-1_0-Flatpak-1_0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 LTSS 15-SP3 (aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64)
    • flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debugsource-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-zsh-completion-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-devel-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • system-user-flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • typelib-1_0-Flatpak-1_0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP2 (ppc64le x86_64)
    • flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debugsource-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-zsh-completion-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-devel-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • system-user-flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • typelib-1_0-Flatpak-1_0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP3 (ppc64le x86_64)
    • flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debugsource-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-zsh-completion-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-devel-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • system-user-flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • typelib-1_0-Flatpak-1_0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
  • SUSE Enterprise Storage 7.1 (aarch64 x86_64)
    • flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debugsource-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-zsh-completion-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-devel-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • system-user-flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • typelib-1_0-Flatpak-1_0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
  • SUSE Enterprise Storage 7 (aarch64 x86_64)
    • flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debugsource-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-zsh-completion-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • libflatpak0-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-devel-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • system-user-flatpak-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • typelib-1_0-Flatpak-1_0-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
    • flatpak-debuginfo-1.10.8-150200.4.15.1
