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SLE11 update reports unreliable mount system found

This document (7003734) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11


During the update of any existing SLE10 based product to SLE11 the following message is displayed:
Some partitions in the system on /dev/XdYZ are mounted by kernel-device name. This is not reliable for the update since kernel-device names are unfortunately not persistent. It is strongly recommended to start the old system and change the mount-by method to any other method for all partitions.


Change the mount mechanism to one of the available methods:
  • UUID
  • ID
To change the mount mechanism start up the old system first
  • log in as root
  • start YaST2 and start the Partitioner module located in the System section
  • select the mount point and click 'edit'
  • then open 'fstab-options'
  • and change here the device to the preferred mount mechanism
  • repeat above steps for all mount points
This will change the entries in /etc/fstab accordingly. As last step update the 'root=' entries in /boot/grub/menu.lst.
Please note: Users of virtual environments such as XEN or VMware should use either mount by UUID or mount by LABEL as the /dev/disk/by-id/ devices contain hardware information from the physical disk (e.g. serial number) which is not available in virtual environments. To set a label to the filesystem please consult the man pages of e.g. xfs_admin, reiserfstune or tune2fs.

Additional Information

The old mounting system used /dev/hdXY (X = letter of disk connected to an IDE controller, Y = partition number, e.g. hda3 = third primary partition on first IDE disk, hdb5 = first logical partition on second IDE disk) or /dev/sdXY (for SCSI devices) entries in /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst. As those names may change by adding new disks it is no longer recommended to use those.
Since SLE10SP1 this method was changed to use the entries in /dev/disk/by-id/ (please see TID  000016313- "New default in SLES/SLED 10 SP1: mount "by Device ID"  for more info).


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  • Document ID:7003734
  • Creation Date: 02-Jul-2009
  • Modified Date:06-Mar-2021
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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