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RPM Database Corrupt

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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time
SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop


When typing in rpm -qa, nothing is returned.
All rpm queries or verifications return no output.
No RPM's can be installed. 
All software installation or rug/patch updates fail.


Check the /var/lib/rpm directory.  This is where the rpm database is held.  Check to see if the Packages file exists in that directory.  Even if the file exists, run these steps in succession, trying an 'rpm -qa' after each step:
1.  rpm --rebuilddb  
2.  rpm --initdb
3.  rpm --rebuilddb
If none of the above fixes the issue, SLES keeps a backup of the RPM database.  Look at /etc/sysconfig/backup, and it describes where and how many versions of the RPM database to collect.  By default, they are held in the /var/adm/backup/rpmdb directory.  You should see a Packages-<date>.gz file(s).  Starting with the latest date, unzip the file and put it in the /var/lib/rpm directory, replacing the Packages file currently there.  Then run an rpm -qa again.  As long as the backup databases are not corrupt either, this should fix the issue.


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  • Document ID:7004708
  • Creation Date: 21-Oct-2009
  • Modified Date:06-Mar-2021
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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