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Performing a SLE migration using a custom migration repository and the Yast wagon upgrade

This document (7011872) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1


The purpose is to use a local custom migration repository, and use the YaST wagon (Graphical User Interface) online migration tool to upgrade SLE11 SP1 to SLE11 SP2.

Performing the YaST wagon upgrade will normally add the online SP2 repositories only after installing the migration products from SLE11 SP2, so adding a local installation repository before the YaST wagon upgrade takes place will confuse the solver, and makes the upgrade to fail.



Please carefully follow the steps outlined below when using local repositories and the YaST wagon method for upgrading.

The following steps assume a SLE11 SP1 system with all the latest updates applied.
  1. Add your local SP2 repository, and than disable it (this will ensure the SP2 packages will not
    be visible, so they do not confuse wagon at start), leave SP1-Pool and SP1-Updates repos enabled.
  2. Run "yast2 wagon".
  3. Just press "Next" until "Update Method" dialog is displayed.
  4. Switch the radio button from "Customer Center" to "Custom URL", press "Next".
  5. In the following dialog, enable the added SP2 repository again (select it, check the "Enabled" check box below the table), and press "OK".
  6. Select the migration repositories (just select the enabled SP2 repository, and deselect all other repositories).
  7. The migration proposal is displayed, verify everything looks good, and shows no warnings, then press "Next" to start the migration.
  8. Wait until the system is migrated to SP2.
  9. After YaST has restarted, continue with the registration steps to register the freshly installed SP2 product.
  10. The migration has now finished, you can now optionally install available SP2-Updates.

Additional Information

The steps above have been verified using SP1 (even with additional SDK add-on) in a Virtual box instance using local SP2 ISO images mounted as CDROM in the virtual machine.

NOTE: For updating more machines, the suggestion would be to use a local update server such as provided by the SUSE Subscription Management Tool (SMT), which mirrors NCC repositories to a local server.

That way there is no need to to configure any manual steps for the YaST wagon upgrade...


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  • Document ID:7011872
  • Creation Date: 04-Mar-2013
  • Modified Date:28-Sep-2022
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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