Node in a DRBD cluster shows disk is in Inconsistent state
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SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15
czdcpv-uxnfs204:~ # drbdadm status Usr_sap_common Usr_sap_common role:Primary volume:0 disk:UpToDate volume:1 disk:UpToDate volume:2 disk:UpToDate volume:3 disk:UpToDate volume:4 disk:UpToDate volume:5 disk:UpToDate volume:6 disk:UpToDate volume:7 disk:UpToDate volume:8 disk:UpToDate czdcpv-uxnfs203 connection:StandAlone czdcpv-uxnfs203:~ # drbdadm status Usr_sap_common Usr_sap_common role:Secondary volume:0 disk:Inconsistent volume:1 disk:Inconsistent volume:2 disk:Inconsistent volume:3 disk:Inconsistent volume:4 disk:Inconsistent volume:5 disk:Inconsistent volume:6 disk:Inconsistent volume:7 disk:Outdated volume:8 disk:Inconsistent czdcpv-uxnfs204 connection:Connecting
to Connecting. We can do that with following command:
drbdadm connect Usr_sap_common
next, on the secondary node that is in Inconsistent state run:
drbdadm connect --discard-my-data Usr_sap_common
which will trigger re-syncing the data from primary to secondary.
Once the sync completes, both nodes show status "UpToDate"
Verify with command:
drbdadm status Usr_sap_common
If the sync is not triggered after the procedure above, in that case, on the secondary node that is
in inconsistent state, instead of running "drbdadm connect --discard-my-data Usr_sap_common" run:
drbdadm invalidate Usr_sap_common
which forces DRBD to consider the data on the local backing storage device as out-of-sync.
Therefore DRBD will copy each and every block from its peer, to bring the local storage device back in sync.
Depending on the disks size and connection speed, the sync can take several hours.
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- Document ID:000020325
- Creation Date: 08-Jul-2021
- Modified Date:08-Jul-2021
- SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension
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