How to Restore the fleet-local namespace if it gets deleted accidently
This document (000020994) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
- A kubeconfig for the Rancher (local) management cluster
- The helm CLI
1. Check that the kubeconfig is set for the correct cluster
export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig.yaml kubectl get nodes2. Delete the fleet chart using helm
helm uninstall fleet -n cattle-fleet-system3. Perform a rollout restart of the Rancher deployment, this will trigger the recreation of fleet-local and its associated contents
kubectl rollout restart deploy/rancher -n cattle-systemNote, this may cause a small interruption for users as the websocket tunnel to Rancher will be re-established.
4. Check the fleet/fleet-crd apps are installed and active
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- Document ID:000020994
- Creation Date: 01-Mar-2023
- Modified Date:27-Mar-2024
- SUSE Rancher
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