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Salt SSH clients are reported as "not checking in" in SUSE Manager Server webUI

This document (000021289) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Manager 4.3 Server


Multiple systems in DMZ registered against SUSE Manager Server and connected using Salt SSH contact method. The clients are reported as "not checking in" withing the SUSE Manager Server webUI.

However, all those clients can be operated correctly (meaning all actions executed against those clients from SUSE Manager server are correctly finished). When the taskomatic-service is restarted, all those clients are being checked properly for 1-2 days and then they are again reported as "not checking in".


"Killing" the "frozen" Salt SSH process will help to get the system back to normal and the clients are again properly checked within SUSE Manager. 


It is caused by a bug in the Salt SSH contact method. It calls "scp" with "-o ConnectTimeout=360", but that handles only the connection timeout. If the command freezes after connection, then it never times out. SUSE Manager uses max. 4 ssh connections in parallel, so this blocks the other clients/minions too. Such a "frozen" connection can be seen in "basic-health-check.txt" file within the supportconfig output:
 salt     26828 26827  0.0  0.0  11024  4164 Ss+  00:00:00 scp -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=360 -o Port=22 -o IdentityFile=/srv/susemanager/salt/salt_ssh/mgr_ssh_id -o User=root /usr/share/susemanager/salt-ssh/

Additional Information

The following tuning options have been tested on top of the affected SUSE Manager without any impact on reported behavior:
salt_ssh_connect_timeout = 360
java.salt_presence_ping_timeout = 40
java.taskomatic_channel_repodata_workers = 5 = 8192
taskomatic.ssh_push_workers = 50
The following error messages appear in taskomatic logs:
2023-07-20 09:13:00,141 [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-12] WARN  com.redhat.rhn.taskomatic.task.SSHPush - Maximum number of workers already put ... skipping.
2023-07-20 09:14:00,121 [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-17] WARN  com.redhat.rhn.taskomatic.task.SSHPush - Maximum number of workers already put ... skipping.


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  • Document ID:000021289
  • Creation Date: 11-Dec-2023
  • Modified Date:04-Jan-2024
    • SUSE Manager Server
    • SUSE Manager

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