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SLES 11 / HP Product Notes

This document (7002735) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11


This TID will keep reflecting on those issues and hints with regards to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 on Hewlett Packard hardware that did not make into the release notes:
  • HPILO driver now part of SLES11 Kernel.
  • SLES 11's gnome desktop now recognizes HP High Performance Mouse for iLO Remote Console.
  • workaround when Xen, the hypervisor does not boot into the GUI
  • ASPM not supported on Hewlett-Packard Integrity systems
  • Harmless message on console or system message log during shutdown
  • During kdump, a 'PCI-Express Device Error 'message may appear on the system console or system message log


HPILO driver now part of SLES11 Kernel.

As part of HP's commitment to Open Source, the HP Channel Interface Device Driver (hpilo) was submitted to the upstream kernel and accepted into the 2.6.27 kernel.  This device driver replaces the two versions of channel interface drivers (hp_ilo, hpqci) previously shipped by HP in the hp-ilo RPM package.  Due to changes in the API between driver versions, various utilities in the Linux ProLiant Support Pack required updates to  properly communicate with hpilo.  These utilities have been updated in Linux ProLiant Support Pack release 8.25.

The hpilo driver is included in SLES11, therefore no hp-ilo package will be provided in the Linux ProLiant Support Pack for SLES11.

SLES 11's gnome desktop now recognizes HP High Performance Mouse for iLO Remote Console.

SLES 11's gnome desktop now recognizes the HP High Performance Mouse for iLO Remote Console and is configured to accept and process events from it.  For the desktop mouse and the HP High Performance Mouse to stay synchronized, it is necessary to turn off mouse acceleration. As a result, HP iLO2 High-Performance mouse (hpmouse) package is no longer needed with SLES 11 once one of the three following options are implemented.
  1. In a terminal run "xset m 1" Note: this setting will not survive a reset of the desktop.
  2. In a terminal run "gconf-editor" and go to "desktop-> gnome-> peripherals-> mouse".  Edit the motion acceleration field to be 1.
  3. In a terminal run "gnome-mouse-properties" and adjust the "Pointer Speed" slide scale until the HP High Performance Mouse and the desktop mouse run at the same speed across the screen.  The recommended adjustment is close to the middle just to the"Slow" side.
After the acceleration is turned off, sync the desktop mouse and the ILO mouse by moving to the edges and top of the desktop to line them up in the vertical and horizontal directions.  Also if the HP High Performance Mouse is disabled then pressing the<Ctrl> key will stop the desktop mouse and allow easier syncing of the two pointers.

Workaround when XEN, the hypervisor, does not boot into the GUI

In a few cases, following the installation of Xen, the hypervisor does not boot into the GUI. To work around this issue, modify /boot/grub/menu.lst and replace vga=<number> withvga=mode-<number>. For example, if the setting for your native kernel is vga=0x317, then for Xen you will need to use vga=mode-0x317. The Xen section of the menu.lst would for example, appear as follows :

###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: xen###
title Xen -- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 -
    root (hd0,1)
    kernel /boot/xen.gz vga=mode-0x317
    module /boot/vmlinuz-
                                    3031570009-part1 splash=silent
crashkernel=256M-:128M@16M showopts
    module /boot/initrd-

ASPM  not supported  on Hewlett-Packard Integrity systems

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 has added support for PCI express Active State Power Management (ASPM).  ASPM can reduce the power used by idle PCI express links. This feature is not supported on Hewlett-Packard Integrity systems due to PCIe chipset incompatibilities. ASPM support is turned off by default on SLES 11.

Harmless message on console or system message log during shutdown

During shutdown, the following message may appear on the system console or system message log:

+------ PCI-Express Device Error ------+
Error Severity          : Corrected
PCIE Bus Error type     : Physical Layer
Receiver Error          : First
Receiver ID             : 0720
VendorID=111dh, DeviceID=8018h, Bus=07h, Device=04h, Function=00h

This message is benign. The message indicates that the kernel was notified of the hardware's advanced error reporting feature completing successfully.

During kdump, a 'PCI-Express Device Error' message may appear on the system console or system message log:

+------ PCI-Express Device Error ------+
Error Severity          : Uncorrected (Non-Fatal)
PCIE Bus Error type     : (Unaccessible)
Unaccessible Received   : Multiple
Unregistered Agent ID   : 5000

This message is benign. The message indicates that the kernel was notified of the hardware's advanced error reporting feature.
Although the message warns of an uncorrected error, the non-fatal aspect will allow the kdump to complete successfully.


Additional Information

Related Bugzilla section
  • HPILO driver now part of SLES11 Kernel.
    • None listed
  • SLES 11's gnome desktop now recognizes HP High Performance Mouse for iLO Remote Console.
    • None listed
  • Workaround when Xen, the hypervisor does not boot into the GUI
    • Bug 344070 - video mode selection for Xen kernels also related to
    • Bug 456514 - BL460c doesn't load Gnome desktop in Xen Kernel in Beta 6, but boots into the command line.
  • ASPM not supported on Hewlett-Packard Integrity systems
    • Bug 448987 - PCIE ASPM is buggy and could influence stability on all PCIe systems - thus should be disabled in kernel at least until SP1
  • Harmless message on console or system message log
    • Bug 476054 - badness messages appear when restarting(bl860 Montivale, Mother Neff )
  • During kdump, a 'PCI-Express Device Error 'message may appear on the system console or system message log
    • Bug 442925 - Uncorrected 'PCI-Express Device Error' during kdump


This Support Knowledgebase provides a valuable tool for SUSE customers and parties interested in our products and solutions to acquire information, ideas and learn from one another. Materials are provided for informational, personal or non-commercial use within your organization and are presented "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.

  • Document ID:7002735
  • Creation Date: 23-Feb-2009
  • Modified Date:14-Oct-2022
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

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