LVM cluster resources should be cluster aware
This document (7012115) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
<primitive class="ocf" id="lvm-test" provider="lvm2" type="clvmd">
<primitive class="ocf" id="lvm-test-other" provider="heartbeat" type="LVM">
The /etc/lvm/lvm.conf shows:
global {
umask = 077
test = 0
units = "h"
activation = 1
proc = "/proc"
locking_type = 1
fallback_to_clustered_locking = 1
fallback_to_local_locking = 1
locking_dir = "/var/lock/lvm"
1. Edit /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
2. Change the locking_type value to 3.
locking_type = 3
3. Save and exit
4. Reboot the node
Additional Information
Make sure you have fulfilled the following prerequisites:
A shared storage device is available, such as provided by a Fibre Channel, FCoE, SCSI, iSCSI SAN, or DRBD*.
In case of DRBD, both nodes must be primary (as described in the following procedure).
Check if the locking type of LVM2 is cluster-aware. The keyword locking_type in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf must contain the value 3 (should be the default). Copy the configuration to all nodes, if necessary.
locking_type — What type of locking to use. 1 is the default, which use flocks on files in locking_dir (see below) to avoid conflicting LVM2 commands running concurrently on a single machine. 0 disables locking and risks corrupting your metadata. If set to 2, the tools will load the external locking_library (see below). If the tools were configured --with-cluster=internal (the default) then 3 means to use built-in cluster-wide locking. Type 4 enforces read-only metadata and forbids any operations that might want to modify Volume Group metadata. All changes to logical volumes and their states are communicated using locks.
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- Document ID:7012115
- Creation Date: 09-Apr-2013
- Modified Date:14-Oct-2022
- SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
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