Ceilometer doesn't return any metering data and times out
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Ceilometer API calls end up with "Request returned failure status: 504"
This can be achieved by installing a fixed package or editing path in the cronjob.
Ceilometer collects the metering information, that grows over time and clean up process is required to remove the old data. This is the task of ceilometer-expirer. However the cronjob is not working due to wrong path to the configuration directory.
Following can be seen in the logs:
2017-10-17T16:06:07.295754+02:00 d00-22-19-0e-2e-8d run-crons[30889]: openstack-ceilometer-expirer.cron returned 1
Therefore ceilometer API calls are timing out as the amount of information is so large that it cannot be processed within defined 60 seconds timeout period.
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- Document ID:7022319
- Creation Date: 14-Nov-2017
- Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
- SUSE Open Stack Cloud
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