s3cmd command can write to a read only cluster zone
This document (7023796) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.
The admin user credentials were used in the ~/.s3cfg file to create and write to the s3://bucket
cephadmin:~ # cat ~/.s3cfgThe read only zone is confirmed.
access_key = <admin access key>
secret_key = <admin secret key>
host_base = ses5node119
host_bucket = %bucket.ses5node119
cephadmin:~ # radosgw-admin period get
"zones": [
"id": "5041248c-0969-4460-9ae6-83031a7f8035",
"name": "ses5node119",
"endpoints": [
"log_meta": "false",
"log_data": "true",
"bucket_index_max_shards": 0,
"read_only": "true",
"tier_type": "",
"sync_from_all": "true",
"sync_from": []
"realm_id": "34edb67c-d5d3-409f-9243-68661371d517",
"realm_name": "support",
"realm_epoch": 2
cephadmin:~ # radosgw-admin user create --uid=joe --display-name="Joe User"
"user_id": "joe",
"display_name": "Joe User",
"keys": [
"user": "joe",
"access_key": "<Joe's Access Key>",
"secret_key": "<Joe's Secret Key>"
2. Write down the access and secret keys.
3. Update the ~/.s3cfg file on the client replacing the keys and the host, such that the host is the read/write zone:
access_key = <admin access key>
secret_key = <admin secret key>
host_base = ses5node119
host_bucket = %bucket.ses5node119
access_key = <Joe's Access Key>
secret_key = <Joe's Secret Key>
host_base = ses5node118
host_bucket = %bucket.ses5node118
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- Document ID:7023796
- Creation Date: 26-Mar-2019
- Modified Date:03-Mar-2020
- SUSE Enterprise Storage
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