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Subscription Matching fails to open

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SUSE Manager 4

SUSE Manager 3.2


Following screen can be seen when opening Subscription Matching after subscription matcher patching:


In /var/log/rhn/rhn_web_ui.log you can see below message:


ERROR com.redhat.rhn.frontend.servlets.SessionFilter - Error during transaction. Rolling back
    at com.suse.manager.webui.utils.SparkApplicationHelper.lambda$withRole$7(
    at spark.RouteImpl$1.handle(
    at spark.http.matching.Routes.execute(
    at spark.http.matching.MatcherFilter.doFilter(




1. log in as SUMA admin on webUI
2. go to Admin -> Task Schedules
3. select the 'gatherer-matcher-default'
4. go to 'gatherer-matcher-bunch'
5. click 'Single Run Schedule'
6. wait until the gatherer-matcher bunch finishes (you can watch that under 'Admin -> Task Engine Status'). It can take few minutes to finish.


The format of the subscription matcher output changed after fix, matcher needs to be rerun. This is done automatically usually at midnight, when gatherer-matcher runs. In case you need to use subscription matching right after patching, follow above mentioned steps.


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  • Document ID:000019585
  • Creation Date: 10-Mar-2020
  • Modified Date:02-Apr-2020
    • SUSE Manager Server

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