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After upgrading to SES 6 DeepSea stages fail with DNS / FQDN errors

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SUSE Enterprise Storage 6 (SES 6)


The cluster was upgraded from SES 5.5 to SES 6, after this when running DeepSea stage 2, an error similar to the following is seen:
Exception: According to the 'domain' grain, the cluster does not have a DNS domain configured

When running stage 3, an error similar to the following is seen:
fqdn : ['fqdn does not match minion id deepsea_node']
domain : ["\nIn order to determine a `domain` which is required for some features in DeepSea you need to set-up the FQDN properly.\nExample:\nA device with the hostname `myhost` in the parent domain has the fully qualified domain name


Properly configure Salt and DeepSea to use FQDN's (Fully Qualified Domain Names).


With SES 5 using FQDN's were not required, but with SES 6 onwards this is a requirement.

Additional Information

To adjust Salt and DeepSea to use FQDN's take the following steps;

A. Salt:

1) Make a backup of everything under "/srv/pillar/ceph/proposals/".
2) Run `salt '*' pillar.items` and save the output somewhere for reference.
3) Change the hostname to FQDN on all nodes and verify after that `hostname -f` properly returns the expected FQDN.
4) Update the minion id in "/etc/salt/minion_id", to do this for all nodes at the same time, from the admin node run for example:
salt -I cluster:ceph 'hostname -f > /etc/salt/minion_id'

5) Restart the salt-minion service on all nodes using `systemctl restart salt-minion.service`. This can be done for all minions by again from the admin node using for example:
salt -I cluster:ceph 'systemctl restart salt-minion.service'

6) Rename the keys in "/etc/salt/pki/master/minions/" directory to match the new minion ids.

B. Adjust DeepSea:

1) Remove any existing '*.sls' files under "/srv/pillar/ceph/proposals", for example:
find /srv/pillar/ceph/proposals/ -name '*.sls' -exec rm '{}' ';'

2) Run DeepSea's stage 1 to regenerate all the SLS files with the correct minion IDs, before there should have been for example "/srv/pillar/ceph/proposals/role-mgr/cluster/ses-node01.sls" and other similarly named files. After there should be "/srv/pillar/ceph/proposals/role-mgr/cluster/" etc.
3) Edit "/srv/pillar/ceph/proposals/policy.cfg" and make sure the various lines are going to match the FQDN's correctly.
4) Run DeepSea stage 2 to update the pillar data.
5) Finally run `salt '*' pillar.items` again, and compare this output against the pillar data from step A. 2. The information should be the same, except for shortname->FQDN changes.


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  • Document ID:000019935
  • Creation Date: 01-Apr-2021
  • Modified Date:01-Apr-2021
    • SUSE Enterprise Storage

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